Course description

The Bridge Accelerator is a binational development program designed for small to medium-sized supplier companies in the Paso del Norte region located on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Value offer

  • Updating business model - 10 Modules of the Bridge and Business Model Canvas tool.
  • Academi validity - Granted by INADET CENALTEC
  • ESR Distinctive - Distinctive awarded by FECHAC through PERSÉ group
  • Media Toolkit - Pitch, sales presentation and professional video
  • Workbook - Manual of practical tools for internal implementation
  • Financial profile - For investment research
  • Closer ties with industry - Demo Days and industry events
  • Canal 44 - Zona Certificada - Interviews and reports from companies in the program
  • Community TBLX - Exclusive benefits for graduate companies
  • 15% Discount - In compecer certification processes


  • Have operations in the Paso del Norte binational region.
  • Have been incorporated in Mexico and/or the U.S. for at least two years.
  • Have a track record of doing business with large manufacturing companies or maquiladoras.
  • Commit to involve up to 3 members of its executive staff in the program.

Frequently asked question

Small and medium sized businesses in the El Paso-Juarez and Chihuahua region that have been incorporated for more than 2 years and have experience in supplying at least  one large manufacturing company. 1-3 owners and/or members of the company’s executive staff will be expected to participate in the program.

There is a one-time registration fee of $5,000 USD (tax deductible expense) which covers all program materials and sessions. This fee is heavily discounted from actual program costs thanks to the generous support of our sponsors.

Yes, passports are a must. Some workshops may take place either Ciudad Juarez, El Paso or Las Cruces. At least some participants from your company need to be able to cross the border back and forth between Mexico and the United States.

Together, Ciudad Juarez and El Paso constitute one of the largest concentrations of manufacturing in North America. This regional marketplace creates big business opportunities for SMEs and businesses capable of supplying goods and services for manufacturers in the region. Furthermore, we believe that by increasing the technical skills, business expertise, and innovation capabilities of business ventures in this region, we can create the necessary momentum for local suppliers to take part in the global marketplace. At The Bridge Accelerator program, we are confident that our position in the El Paso-Juarez border region provides unique opportunities that build our community up rather than hinder our progress.

Constanza Nieto

Founder, CEO,Investor, Global Expansion and Innovation Consultant

Visionary leader who has sculpted her path with over two decades of unparalleled expertise spanning entrepreneurship, CEOship, consulting, investment, and executive roles across the vibrant landscapes of Latin America and the United States. A trailblazer at heart, Nieto's journey is studded with remarkable milestones, including the founding of Globaltech Bridge, BBVA Horizonte, and AFP Prevision across multiple nations. Her indelible mark in pension fund management and pivotal contributions to Colombia's pension system reform underscore her strategic brilliance. But Nieto's influence extends far beyond the boardroom; she stands as a beacon of innovation, steering Latin American companies towards global prominence. Her advisory prowess has shaped government initiatives and evaluated projects across diverse sectors, illuminating paths to success. Armed with an Industrial Engineering degree and crowned as a Marketing Specialist, Nieto's multifaceted expertise spans coaching, training, and board stewardship, symbolizing her unwavering dedication to fostering growth and innovation in every corner of the business realm. Brace yourself to embark on an exhilarating journey with Constanza Nieto, a luminary destined to leave an indelible mark on the world of business.

Isaac Majerowicz

Partner and Director of Business Consulting at Globaltech Bridge

As Partner and Director of Business Consulting at Globaltech Bridge, Majerowicz is the mastermind behind groundbreaking innovations in telecommunications, education, e-learning, and the captivating world of web/mobile application development. With a storied past at Cisco Systems, Majerowicz ascended to executive heights as Country Manager in Colombia and Product Manager for the esteemed Cisco Networking Academy Program, imprinting his mark on the industry's landscape. Yet, his impact extends far beyond corporate corridors; he is a revered figure in academia, having adorned the halls of Universidad de los Andes as a distinguished professor, researcher, and dean of the Electrical Engineering Department. Armed with academic accolades including Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Electrical Engineering from Caltech, coupled with a rich blend of expertise in Electrical Engineering and Marketing from Universidad de los Andes in Bogota, Colombia, Majerowicz embodies a rare fusion of intellect and innovation that captivates all who cross his path. Prepare to be enthralled by the unparalleled genius of Isaac Majerowicz, where every encounter promises enlightenment and every collaboration yields transformation.

Chris Danek

Empowering medtech teams | CEO, Bessel

Chris Danek, CEO of Bessel,  is an entrepreneur and life sciences industry veteran. Chris believes in empowering technical teams.  Trained in business and engineering, he has worked with dozens of teams in industry and at universities across the US. He helps them speed time-to-market with agile teamwork and human-centered design while using advanced technology like artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing, and digital engineering. Bessel clients and Powered by Bessel startups are located nationwide. Chris is a professor at the University of Texas at El Paso, a leading Hispanic-serving research university that has adopted the Bessel Origin program in its Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering.  Chris is also a visiting professor at the W.M. Keck Center for 3D Innovation at UTEP.Chris was co-founder and CEO of AtheroMed (now Philips AtheroMed), and before that was V.P. R&D of Asthmatx (Boston Scientific).  Chris is an advisor to the Santa Clara University Healthcare Innovation and Design Lab. He has a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Stanford University, an M.B.A. with a concentration in finance from the Wharton School - University of Pennsylvania, and is an inventor of over 90 U.S. patents.

Ricardo Mora

CEO Technology Hub Ciudad Juárez

The epitome of entrepreneurial spirit, hailing from El Paso, Texas, and shaped by the vibrant energy of Ciudad Juárez. With a dynamic career spanning telecom, I.T., venture funds, and the culinary world, Mora's journey is one of relentless innovation and bold ventures. As the CEO and founder of RM International, he has carved a path of success, leading ventures that redefine industries. Mora's visionary leadership extends to "Technology HUB," a pioneering business innovation center in Ciudad Juarez, fostering entrepreneurship through incubator programs, venture capital funding, and cutting-edge facilities like the Fab Lab. His contributions have garnered recognition from prestigious institutions like the Dartmouth Tuck School of Business and earned accolades from Speaker Nancy Pelosi, underscoring his impact and influence. Mora's ethos of strategic collaboration transcends boundaries, making him a catalyst for positive change and innovation across diverse sectors. His magnetic persona and trailblazing achievements make him a figure everyone aspires to meet and learn from.

Iliana Nunez

COO / Chief Operating Officer

A revolutionary Industrial and Systems Engineer with a Master's in Administration from the esteemed Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Chihuahua. As the Operations Director of Ripipsa, a powerhouse in Chihuahua's manufacturing landscape, Nunez has earned a reputation for excellence, garnering accolades and certifications that underscore her profound impact. Beyond her role at Ripipsa, Nunez wears multiple hats, serving as Treasurer of Canacintra delegation Chihuahua and driving educational initiatives such as the Conalep plantel II's Linkage Committee and "The Bridge Accelerator" program. Her visionary leadership was instrumental in establishing the Drive and Control Training Center, a testament to her commitment to fostering innovation and skill development. Moreover, Nunez is a staunch advocate for sustainability and corporate social responsibility, recognizing the transformative power of education in fueling regional development. With her unwavering dedication and visionary approach, Nunez is a figure everyone seeks to meet, poised to inspire and shape the future of business and education alike.

Eduardo Cervera

Partner in the Industrial and Intellectual Property Department at EC LEGAL RUBIO VILLEGAS

A stalwart figure in the realm of industrial and intellectual property consulting and litigation, boasting over 27 years of unmatched expertise. With a fervent dedication to safeguarding the intellectual property rights of both national and transnational companies, Cervera stands as a beacon of legal prowess and strategic acumen. His unparalleled skillset extends to navigating complex intellectual property cases, with a particular focus on patents, where he has played a pivotal role in helping Mexican companies patent their innovations for both domestic and global expansion. Beyond litigation, Cervera is a master negotiator, adept at forging technology transfer contracts and licenses that pave the way for innovation and collaboration. Prior to his current role, Cervera's visionary leadership was evident as a founding partner at Bufete Cervera-Rojas, where he spearheaded the Patents, Trademarks, and Copyright Department, leaving an indelible mark on the legal landscape. With his wealth of experience and unwavering commitment to excellence, Cervera is a figure revered by all who seek to navigate the intricate world of intellectual property with finesse and precision.

Rick Rasmussen

3x Tech IPO & Fortune 500 Exec | Top Tier Educator | Ecosystem Developer

Leader whose illustrious career spans across industry, government, venture capital, and academia. With a proven track record of guiding three companies to triumphant exits totaling a staggering $12B, Rasmussen stands as a true titan in the world of business. His remarkable ability to forge connections between governments, economic development agencies, and the boundless resources of Silicon Valley has earned him acclaim as a masterful architect of global entrepreneurial ecosystems. As an educator, Rasmussen's impact knows no bounds, with his groundbreaking coursework on entrepreneurship serving as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring innovators worldwide. From CEO leadership to marketing, business development, and M&A, Rasmussen's diverse skill set and strategic prowess set him apart as a transformative force in every endeavor he undertakes. Prepare to embark on a journey of discovery and inspiration alongside Rick Rasmussen, where his unparalleled expertise and visionary leadership promise to redefine the very fabric of success in the modern age.

Carlos Murguía

Venture Capital + Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

An exceptional leader serving as the Associate Fund Manager at Arrowhead Innovation Fund, driving early-stage seed funding initiatives across diverse sectors in New Mexico. With extensive experience in project management and a background in Industrial Engineering, Murguia brings a wealth of expertise to his role. His responsibilities encompass overseeing program operations, crafting business support programs, and nurturing industry ecosystems to foster startup growth. Murguia's collaboration extends to New Mexico State University's Technology and Commercialization Office, where he leverages his skills to drive innovation. Recognized for his achievements, including the prestigious 2017 NMSU Outstanding Graduate award, Murguia embodies a multifaceted approach to fostering innovation and startup success. His strategic foresight and unwavering commitment to nurturing creativity make him a beacon of inspiration in the entrepreneurial landscape. With a nuanced understanding of venture capital and lean six sigma methodologies, coupled with his dedication to designing transformative entrepreneurship programs, Murguia is poised to lead startups towards unprecedented success. Get ready for an unforgettable journey guided by Murguia's visionary leadership and boundless potential.

Omar Saucedo

Microsoft Techspark community engagement manager Mexico

A trailblazer in the realms of innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic development. With a dynamic background spanning academia and industry, Saucedo has navigated through prestigious roles and educational pursuits, earning degrees in Marketing and Systems Quality and Productivity. His career has been marked by transformative leadership at esteemed institutions like Tecnologico de Monterrey and Ciudad Juarez, where he spearheaded initiatives to foster innovation and attract crucial investments. Now, as the Techspark Community Engagement Manager at Microsoft, Saucedo continues his mission to empower communities and drive collaboration, leveraging technology to address pressing societal challenges and promote inclusive growth. His visionary leadership and unwavering dedication to positive change have left an indelible mark on the landscape of innovation and economic development. Prepare to be inspired as you embark on a journey through the remarkable accomplishments and impactful contributions of Omar Saucedo, a true catalyst for progress and transformation.

Horman Millán

Küikmatch, Quarkss and Future Builders

A remarkable Consultant-Technologist-Entrepreneur and esteemed Partner of Future Builders. With a global reach and influential roles at institutions like the World Bank and IDB, Millan stands as a beacon of innovation and technology management. His journey commenced with a passion for technological advancement, leading to a master's degree in manufacturing systems and a successful tenure at Sony Baja California. Millan's visionary leadership shone through as he spearheaded groundbreaking initiatives, propelling the company's success for over twelve years. Transitioning to consultancy, Millan left an indelible mark, designing programs like the Supplier Development Program for Southeast Mexico's Special Economic Zones and the Pacific Alliance Technology Transfer Network. As a Partner of Future Builders, Millan continues to redefine innovation, guiding clients towards unprecedented success with his unparalleled wisdom and expertise. Join us on this transformative journey with Horman Millan, where visionary leadership and a fervent passion for innovation inspire us to soar to new heights in the digital age.

Martin Keshishian

Partner and Director en VKMEX and PRAXMA GROUP

A true luminary in Product Procurement and Supply Chain Management. With extensive experience spanning large corporations, Keshishian is celebrated for his unrivaled knack for driving productivity and profitability to new heights. His expertise encompasses the fine art of cost reduction, profit and loss management, and dynamic team leadership, making him a force to be reckoned with in the business world. Keshishian's remarkable track record speaks volumes - he has consistently delivered stellar results, elevating corporate revenues and forging unbreakable bonds with vendors and clients alike. However, what truly sets him apart is his innate ability to harmonize people and resources, orchestrating seamless operations and delivering unparalleled success. With Martin Keshishian leading the way, prepare to embark on a journey of discovery and achievement, where his visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to excellence will inspire and captivate all who have the privilege of crossing paths with him.